Sunday, June 12, 2011

Empty Nest...

So, this whole empty nest thing isn't as great as everyone makes it out to be.  I've always heard how wonderful and fun it would be.  So, how come I keep feeling so danged depressed?  I love having my family around! 
Sean is now married, which is really great because I love Tiffany and I love seeing how happy they are together.  I still miss having him here all of the time and teasing and talking to me about whatever. 
Alison is leaving for London on a BYU semester abroad at the end of August.  She'll be gone for 4 months.  Then, if everything goes acording to her's and John's plans, she'll get married in February and move away (kinda hoping they'll go for Georgia's  basement after Jen and Ashton move out).
Sarah and Michelle have a condo together and are very independent.  I see them once in a while during the week and for Sunday dinner. 
Rachel and Patrick have been married over 11 years, so Rachel's  been gone for a long time!  They really don't live very far away, but I still only see them on Sundays too.  They also have sweet Lola, but she's only here when they are.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I really want my kids to grow up and have independent, happy lives!  But, I really miss the days when they were all here, laughing, crying, yelling, even fighting!  Never in a million years did I think I'd feel this awful about having them all grown up! 
So, my sweet friends with little ones still at home, cherish these days!  It really does go by way too fast and you miss the sweet hugs and kisses and joy they bring to you! 
So, now here I am weeping all over my keyboard.  I'm reminded of a story that Gene tells when he was around 15 years old.  He came home from school and found his mother crying at the kitchen table.  When he asked her what was wrong she sobbed something like, "I only have six children left here at home!" (She had 11 altogether and some of them had already grown up and moved away.)
Well, Mom, I totally get it and it sucks.  Maybe when I have a houseful of grandkids I'll feel better.  But for now, I miss those days!  So, kiddos, get busy and bring on the grandkids!  Save your mother from depression!
Yeah, whatever.


  1. such a funny, sad, sweet post Sally! I'm once again longing for an empty nest. And at least you can see your kids on SUNDAY!! xoxo, Dee

  2. Well if it makes you feel any better I miss living at home sometimes. Hey, I stayed there as long as I could...haha ;) Love you Mom!!

  3. Well, thank you for this reminder. I do love my little ones and can't get enough of their cuteness but sometimes when I am in the woes (and mess) of potty training I do feel myself NOT enjoying the moment. That said--I already rue the day when my kids leave home--ugh. I'm glad your kids at least live in the same county and state!

  4. I'm with you Sally! I still have Samantha but I am already crying cuz she is gone so much.

  5. Awe this is so sweet :) My mom goes through the same things, wishes we would all live in her basement forever.

  6. So sweet and sad! I have loved having Chris home for the summer, and am devastated that Ellie will be joining him (maybe) this fall at school. As crazy as the arguing and laziness makes me, I can still see through it to "them" and that's who I'll miss.

  7. I can't believe you even miss the fighting. That is the one thing right now that I wish I could wave away with a magic wand. I don't think I miss that one bit.

    This post really made me perk up and remember to cherish this time while all of my kids are at home. At times it is hard though. I do have to admit, when the house is too quite for too long, I get a little lonesome!

    Hang in there Sallie.

  8. I'm so dreading having my kids leave. I know there are seasons in life and all that, bla bla. But it makes me sad! We've had a lot of missionaries going out in our ward and their mom's are not making it look very easy! I always end up crying with them--

    Sending thoughts of many more grandkiddies to fill up your house very soon:)
